
Lecture Videos
Linear Regression Multicolinearity
Cohen's d The Normal Distribution
Yates' Correction 2 by 2 Table: Step by Step Example
Outlier Labeling Rule Outliers: Never Make This Common Mistake
Dealing with Outliers Homogeneity of Variance
Coefficient of Variation Standard Error of Measurement
Kendall's Tau Kendall's Tau vs Spearman's Correlation
One-Sample z-test – What Sample Size is Required? Nominal Ordinal Interval Ratio – Explained
Fisher’s LSD – An Underused Post-Hoc Test Confidence Intervals in Within-Subjects Designs
Independent t-test – Explained Simply Do the t-test and ANOVA Really Assume Normality?
Do the t-test/ANOVA Really Assume Homogeneity of S2 What is Sphericity?
Cronbach's (Coefficient) Alpha

 ● Sample size for multiple regression?
Paired Samples t-test vs CAPM Linear Regression Mixed-Design ('Split-Plot') ANOVA - Statistica
Cohen's d - Web Calculator Hedge's g - Web Calculator
Pitman-Morgan Test - Web Calculator 2 by 2 Table: Web Calculator Demo
Correlation Confidence Intervals - Web Calculator What is the average stock market return?
Fun Stuff
Is Warren Buffett Just Lucky? Warren Buffett CAPM Analysis
Testing Insider Trading Hypotheses Statistically Which Stats Package is the Most Popular?